New method of producing human cartilage from stem cells developed by researchers.
A recent study has revealed the presence of meteoric iron in early Iron Age ornaments…
The 4,400-year-old clay objects were discovered in the ancient city of Umm el-Marra in Syria;…
Scientists claim to have identified the main process that formed the moon's atmosphere and continues…
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Can scientists predict what life would be like on other planets based…
A new study argues that we've got it all wrong. The authors…
A rare collection of ancient coins, hailed as an "archaeological Hanukkah miracle,"…
Two radio telescopes, one located in the northeast and the other in…
From modular torsos to robots with eerily lifelike facial expressions, these seven…
Researchers in Siberia, Russia, have unveiled the remarkably well-preserved remains of a…
A study shows that walking an extra hour a day could increase…
The mission by Conex Research, called "Astraeus," is designed to dive into…
Researchers at Stanford Engineering have introduced Haptiknit, a soft, flexible knit sleeve…
A2,100-year-old soldier’s whistle, shaped like a bird and made from fired clay,…
New research suggests that our best hopes for finding existing life on…
Researchers have discovered the oldest gorgonopsian fossil on Mallorca, dating from 270-280…
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