The Roman Coronagraph on NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will enable scientists to detect the faint light emitted by exoplanets.
A NASA project, FLOAT, aims to create a rail system on the Moon for the…
Could we detect advanced civilizations on other planets because of their industrial pollution? Probably not.…
An international team of astronomers has discovered a super-Earth called HD 20794 d, an exoplanet…
Engineers at North Carolina State University have created a shape-shifting robot suitable for space exploration…
Morpheus space opens first mass production plant for field emission electric propulsion…
Mercury has a layer of diamonds 17 kilometers thick, according to scientists.
The hardy moss Syntrichia caninervis could be the key to terraforming Mars,…
An aerospace engineering professor explains the essential elements that Mars would need…
NASA's Curiosity rover discovered pure sulfur on Mars after passing over a…
Astronomers have discovered a “progenitor” of a hot Jupiter - a young…
For the first time, scientists have confirmed the existence of an underground…
Astronaut Matthew Dominick captures a rare flash of red sprite from the…
These rare rocks come in a few different types, which can tell…
It is an intermediate-mass black hole that is closer to Earth than…
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